許多人可能不記得誰是Christina Perri了,但你一定知道一首歌,暮光之城的主題曲A Thousand Years,這首歌在台灣可說是紅遍大街小巷
其他有名的歌曲還有Jar Of Hearts、Human,另外還要推薦另一首我覺得很常被忽略的好歌Arms,如果你也喜歡她的暖心系列歌曲,這首歌不能錯過
2020年,Christina又懷了兩個孩子,第二胎不幸地流產了,而第三胎Rosie因懷孕併發症也死產了,因此今年11/24她發行另一張兒童專輯給自己未能出世的女兒,名叫songs for rosie
Monday morning, see the children on their way to school
週一早晨 目送著孩子們去學校
Plough to hanging low around my heart, the air is cool
有股感受低垂在我心 空氣卻很清爽
I've got the strangest feeling like I'm waiting for a dream
我有種奇怪的感覺 彷彿在等待一場夢醒來
Looking out the window at the roses in the rain
看向窗外 凝視著雨中玫瑰
Walked around the supermarket talking to myself
在賣場中遊走著 自言自語著
The man behind the counter asked me if I need some help
櫃台後的店員 詢問我是否需要協助
I knew that he could see it
'Cause he didn't know what to say
So, I asked him if knew about the roses in the rain
我便詢問他 是否看過雨中玫瑰
Maybe in a little while, I'll put some coffee on
也許再過一會 我會泡杯咖啡清醒
Can't stop wondering wherе do spirits go when they are gonе
但我卻無法停止思考 消逝的靈魂都去了哪
Maybe it was tomorrow, but it felt like today
也許今天已經過完 但感覺日子沒有繼續前進
You and I were walking
You and I were walking
You and I were walking through the roses in the rain
你和我走著 穿梭在雨中玫瑰
2021/11/29 翻譯 by 日出