Aaliyah,90年代非常經典傳奇的R&B和靈魂歌手,15歲出道推出Back & Forth便立刻獲得R&B冠軍成績,之後更有If Your Girl Only Knew、Are You That Somebody、Try Again等經典曲目。遺憾的是,2001年,僅22歲的Aaliyah在拍攝完畢後發生了墜機事故,當時甚至第三張專輯都還沒有宣傳完成,一位本來能成為R&B歌后的新星就此殞落。
睽違20年,自從8月Aaliyah的專輯在數位平台終於上架,歌迷們又有另一個驚喜。在Aaliyah去世前原先預計推出的第四張專輯Unstoppable,即將重新整理釋出,首張主打便請來了The Weeknd合作,之後更傳出有Snoop Dogg、Drake、Future等歌手會協助合作。
How can I explain myself to you?
Questions keep lurking through my mind
Is it the lover for the time?
I've given my heart, my joy, my soul to you
我給予了你 我的真心 我所有喜悅 和我的靈魂
If it is real, I sure can't see
如果這是你的真心 我甚麼也沒看見
Gotta start looking out for me
你得更留心 注意我
And in my, my heart won't take no more
在我心中 我已無法再承受更多痛苦
I know it seems that I don't care
我知道 我裝作不在乎
Sometimes my wave of love is there
但有時 我的愛已經如浪潮般傳達
I feel it's time for me to take a stand
我想 該是時候坦白一切
See, you have given me no choice
I feel I must exercise my voice and say
我必須立即行動 大聲說出口
This feeling, there's no drug that can compare
這種感受 沒有任何藥物可以比擬
You're so cold, I can see your breath, I swear
你如此冷酷 我彷彿能看見你呼出的白霧
They told me not to fall in love
人們總告誡 不要愛上你
Wondering where it all went wrong
You were my poison all along
你自始自終 都是我的毒藥
At night, I lay awake in tears and pain
深夜躺著無法入睡 含著苦痛和眼淚
Searching my heart for what went wrong
搜索著我的內心 到底哪裡出了差錯
Asking myself "What's going on?"
不斷問著自己 發生了什麼
Why cannot we seem to see things eye to eye?
為何我們 無法互相理解和認同
Sometimes I really feel the danger
有時 我真的感受到危機感
And now I'm sleeping with a stranger
彷彿我 與陌生人共枕共眠
To see all these years, we flushed 'em down the drain (Down the drain)
這些年的相處 都被我們拋諸腦後
Is that a love that came for us?
Now, it's too late for both of us
現在 對我們兩個來說已經太遲
No regrets of what we've lost and what we've shared
對於我們損失和分享過的一切 我沒有遺憾
Maybe tomorrow we'll love again
也許明天 我們還會再愛上彼此
Or until then we'll stay as friends, oh, one day
或是也許明天 我們仍會保持朋友關係
This feeling, there's no drug that can compare
這種感受 沒有任何藥物可以比擬
You're so cold, I can see your breath, I swear
你如此冷酷 我彷彿能看見你呼出的白霧
They told me not to fall in love
人們總告誡 不要愛上你
Wondering where it all went wrong
You were my poison all along
你自始自終 都是我的毒藥
Yeah, poison all along
自始自終 都是我的毒藥
Baby girl, poison all along
寶貝 你是我的毒藥
2021/12/19 翻譯 by 日出