
綿羊姐的新專輯Brightest Blue已經在7/17正式上線了,本人將會翻譯一連串非主打的歌曲
目前網路上已經有的歌曲有Worry About Me、Power、Slow Grenade、Hate Me和Close To Me(去年的歌還敢拿出來啊綿羊姐)


I watch you while you dress, it's a quarter to one
十二點四十五分 我看著你著裝
I'm running out of moves, so I keep it undone
我已無絕招 只能晾到一旁
You like me in a mess, cause I always come back to you
我們的愛亂如麻 我總和你藕斷絲連
You cast me in your thriller just to cut the scene out
讓我出演你的驚悚電影 只為切掉我所有鏡頭
Sowing all the seeds, just to bring me a drought
辛勤耕耘 只為讓我的愛枯竭
You wanna wash me off, but you want me as your tattoo
想洗去對我的記憶 又想要我成為你的紋身烙印

Cause I've been holding it down, holding it down
我不斷 壓抑我所有情緒
Waiting for the blood to rise
等待血壓攀升的 復仇時刻
And you've been keeping me round keeping me round
你不斷 讓我留在你身邊
Just so you can fantasize

That you're doing nothing wrong, cause you give me just enough
你沒做錯什麼 你給我的都已足夠
Waiting for another one you don't have to love
等待著 下一個沒必要的愛人
You hold me so tight say it's getting too deep for you
你緊抱我 說我對你的愛太深
But how deep is too deep
但要愛多深 才算是太深

You're sipping on my drink while you talk on your phone
你和別人講電話時 啜飲著我的飲料
I love your suit and tie and the way that you smoke
我喜愛你穿西裝打領帶 你抽菸的模樣
I stumble in your dreams, but I know you don't want me to, no no
我意外踏入你夢鄉 但我知道你不想我闖入

Cause I've been holding it down, holding it down
我不斷 壓抑我所有情緒
Waiting for the blood to rise
等待血壓攀升的 復仇時刻
And you've been keeping me round keeping me round
你不斷 讓我留在你身邊
Just so you can fantasize

That you're doing nothing wrong, cause you're doing just enough
你沒做錯什麼 你做的一切都已足夠
Waiting for another one you don't have to love
等待著 下一個沒必要的愛人
You hold me so tight say it's getting too deep for you
你緊抱我 說我對你的愛太深
But how deep is too deep
但要愛多深 才算是太深
Think you're doing something right cause you give me just enough
你沒做錯什麼 你給我的都已足夠
Waiting for another one you only have to touch
等待另一個 你只想愛撫的對象
You hold me so tight say it's getting too deep for you
你緊抱我 說我對你的愛太深
But how deep is too deep
但要愛多深 才算是太深

Oh I could do better baby let's be honest, it's ironic, I know
我們老實說吧 非常諷刺的是 我能做得更好
I can find something deeper baby
我還能再更深 愛你愛得更深
But how deep is too deep
但要愛多深 才算是太深

That you're doing nothing wrong, cause you're doing just enough
你沒做錯什麼 你做的一切都已足夠
Waiting for another one you don't have to love
等待著 下一個沒必要的愛人
You hold me so tight say it's getting too deep for you
你緊抱我 說我對你的愛太深
But how deep is too deep
但要愛多深 才算是太深
Think you're doing something right cause you give me just enough
你沒做錯什麼 你給我的都已足夠
Waiting for another one you only have to touch
等待另一個 你只想愛撫的對象
You hold me so tight say it's getting too deep for you
你緊抱我 說我對你的愛太深
But how deep is too deep
但要愛多深 才算是太深



2020/07/15 翻譯by 日出

    創作者 日出西方OuO 的頭像

    日出的 翻譯小天地

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