從X音素出道的Ella Henderson,真的要推薦一下她的唱功。她的出道曲Ghost至今仍是我心中最強出道曲之一,可惜自從2015發行首張專輯Chapter One後就沒再出專輯,雖途中偶爾還是推出了幾首單曲。然而今年終於第二張專輯Everything I Didn't Say誕生啦!全專即將在三月推出喔!
首波主打便是這首激勵人心的Brave,個人覺得跟第一張專輯的Glow有異曲同工之妙,都是激勵人心的暖心pop song。
Oh darling, dry your eyes
親愛的 擦乾淚珠
It'll be alright, just look to the sky now
一切都會沒事的 看看天空
Come and lay here in my arms
I can feel your heart
I'm by your side now
Now I'll handle your fears for you, cry your tears for you
現在我會助你戰勝所有的恐懼 為你擦去淚珠
When the rain is falling down
I'm standing right here for you when the rain keeps falling
就算大雨不斷 我仍會站在這裡陪著你
When trouble wrecks your heart
And the world's gone dark and your soul is black and blue
世界陷入黑暗 你的靈魂遍體麟傷
We still got love to give, got a lot to live for, we'll pull through
我們仍會給你愛 還有很多事值得活下去 我們會撐過難關
Brave, I'll be brave
勇敢 我會變得更勇敢
Oh, you can pray for me, I'm gonna pray for you
你能為我祈禱 我也會為你祈禱
And even when it hurts baby, I'll be brave for you
就算受再多的傷 我也會為你變得勇敢
So baby, I'll be brave for you
Oh darling, just hold my hand
親愛的 握緊我的手
Even when the lights are blinding
Now take on the bitter pain
I'll do what it takes to see you smiling
為了看到你的笑容 我什麼都願意做
No mountain that I wouldn't climb for you
為了你 我願意翻山越嶺
I will rise for you till your heart's desire
我願意為了你 跟隨你的心之所向
And I'll open the sky for you, set the rain on fire
我會把不可能變可能 超越一切限制
When trouble wrecks your heart
And the world's gone dark and your soul is black and blue
世界陷入黑暗 你的靈魂遍體麟傷
We still got love to give, got a lot to live for, we'll pull through
我們仍會給你愛 還有很多事值得活下去 我們會撐過難關
Brave, I'll be brave
勇敢 我會變得更勇敢
Oh, you can pray for me, I'm gonna pray for you
你能為我祈禱 我也會為你祈禱
And even when it hurts baby, I'll be brave for you
就算受再多的傷 我也會為你變得勇敢
So baby, I'll be brave for you
I'm gonna be brave (x4)
我會變得更勇敢 (x4)
No mountain that I wouldn't climb for you
為了你 我願意翻山越嶺
I'll open the sky for you
When trouble wrecks your heart
And the world's gone dark and your soul is black and blue
世界陷入黑暗 你的靈魂遍體麟傷
We still got love to give, got a lot to live for, we'll pull through
我們仍會給你愛 還有很多事值得活下去 我們會撐過難關
Brave, I'll be brave
勇敢 我會變得更勇敢
Oh, you can pray for me, I'm gonna pray for you
你能為我祈禱 我也會為你祈禱
And even when it hurts baby, I'll be brave for you
就算受再多的傷 我也會為你變得勇敢
So baby, I'll be brave for you
I'll be brave, I'll be brave
So baby, I'll be brave for you
2022/01/07 翻譯 by 日出